By: Simóne Banks
New Yorkers love to play the role of whatever stereotype non New Yorkers categorize them in, you know, the usual unapproachable, detached, isolated loner in the city of creativity and opportunity. I believe Russell Lynes explains it best, “Any real New Yorker is a you-name-it-we-have-it-snob whose heart brims with sympathy for the millions of unfortunates who through misfortune, misguidedness or pure stupidity live anywhere else in the world.” So since this is the mistaken reality we non New Yorkers obviously are missing out on, there are artists like Santogold that break down the misunderstood mindset of a New Yorker very nicely.
“..You don't know me
I am an introvert an excavator
I'm duckin' out for now
a face in dodgy elevators
Creep up and suddenly
I found myself
an innovator...”
(Excerpt from L.E.S. Artistes)
“Got no need for the fancy things, all the attention that it brings, tell me no, I say yes, I was chosen and I will deliver the explosion.” (Excerpt from Creator vs. FreQnasty) If you’ve never heard Santogold; Santi White and John Hill, you’re missing out on the next dynamic duo to rule the new wave, psychobilly disc jockey turntables. Their beats and lyrics will give you more than just a good time. As most real music junkies would agree, music should be felt not only physically, but also appreciated mentally. Santogold tells it like they see it; “L.E.S Artistes is about the
Santi the lead singer, originally from Philly illustrates the formation of Santogold as a fallen idea out of the sky. “It wasn’t premeditated. It was originally supposed to be the next record for my old band Stiffed, but Stiffed fell apart, and then the project just completely about faced and took on a life of its own. I was just following behind with my eyes closed.”
Eyes may have been closed but ears were definitely opened. Noting that most mainstream music of today is cheap. She prides in her aim of making Santogold a legendary new form for musical expression. “I want good music to be mainstream music too. There's no reason why "most people" should have to listen to empty crap music. That's what I'm aiming for. I don't think that all music should be any one way. There's a place for everything and clearly an audience for it to. I don't really buy any mainstream music right now because I think it's cheap. Nothing that will have any relevance to me a couple months after it's out. Some of is fun though. Some of the production is amazing. It's too bad they're not talking about shit (specifically in hip Hop). I find mainstream music depressing overall for its lack of creativity.”
Her music however, doesn’t lack creativity. “Me, I’m a taker, know what the stakes are, can’t roll it back, it’s understood, got to play our cards.” (Excerpt from Creator vs. FreQnasty) Her words shoot fire and she’s ready to handle the pressure. “Yes, a lot of times they are (drawn from personal experiences). Though sometimes I role play a bit around an idea that just comes into my head. Even in those instances, I think that whatever you write comes from some place in your psyche, however frightening that may be at times.”
Santogold releases their debut album May 22, 2007. A scheduled tour is in the works as well, though the
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